Member |
Team Name |
Cause |
Melissa Golden |
Not Fast, Just Furious |
River City Vineyard |
Joanne Aitchison |
FDK Play All Day |
London Road School |
Marci Alexander |
Fantastic 4- (D,L,M.J) |
London Road School |
Debbie Anderson |
The Ya-Ya's |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Melissa Atyeo |
Stronger Together |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Lexi Avina |
Fantastic 4- (D,L,M.J) |
London Road School |
Nicole Bacon |
Baconators |
River City Vineyard |
Peter Benn |
Team Recess |
London Road School |
Mel Benoit |
Gimme Shelter |
River City Vineyard |
Favien Bisson |
Inn to Win |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Francis Bonifacio |
Inn to Win |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Natasha Bonneau |
We want to play |
London Road School |
Grady Bouchard |
The Dream Team |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Erin Bristow |
Holy Cows |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Tammy Broer |
Cool Name Pending |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Kristy Brooks |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Leanne Brown |
The 789s |
Literacy Lambton |
Brittany Budziewicz |
SCCYS Somewhat Heroes |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Paetah Burgess |
All Pride No Prejudice |
Literacy Lambton |
Nina Caissie |
Not Fast, Just Furious |
River City Vineyard |
Renee Card |
Gimme Shelter |
River City Vineyard |
Ally Churchill |
The Wolverines |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Karen Churchill |
The Wolverines |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Kristen Clendenning |
The Rebounders |
Sarnia Lambton Rebound |
Justin Clowry |
Baconators |
River City Vineyard |
Kristen Clowry |
Baconators |
River City Vineyard |
Heather Collins |
Between a Walk and a Hard Pace |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Devon Craig |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Matt Delaroche |
Team Recess |
London Road School |
Randi Delavigne |
Holy Cows |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Janine Deschenes |
Reporting for Recess |
London Road School |
Rick Devolder |
One Step At A Time |
SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund |
Marcy Draker |
Between a Walk and a Hard Pace |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Ryan Dugdale |
River City Vineyard |
Raveena Duggal |
Playground Posse |
London Road School |
Rishi Duggal |
Playground Posse |
London Road School |
Hayley Ferrera |
Reporting for Recess |
London Road School |
Cassandra Fields |
One or Two |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Maddisyn Fisher |
Hooping for a Rebound |
Sarnia Lambton Rebound |
Jenna Fitzgerald |
We want to play |
London Road School |
Vanessa Flacco |
The Pink Cadillacs |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Beth Foster |
Cool Name Pending |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
James Fraser |
Baconators |
River City Vineyard |
Jair Garay |
Nutty Buddies |
Literacy Lambton |
Julia Gavin |
Purple People Eaters |
London Road School |
Jaimie Geddes |
Team Timeout |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Luette Gerhold |
Not Fast, Just Furious |
River City Vineyard |
Cameron Graham |
River City Vineyard |
Roger Graham |
River City Vineyard |
Tammy Graham |
River City Vineyard |
Jacklyn Grant |
Flossy Posse |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Heather Haight |
Reporting for Recess |
London Road School |
Marianna Hambalek |
The Pink Cadillacs |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Laura Harmon |
Purple People Eaters |
London Road School |
Denise Hart |
SCCYS Somewhat Heroes |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
chantel healy |
The Visionaries |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Rick Henderson |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Lesley Hereygers |
SCCYS Somewhat Heroes |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Melissa Hewitt |
FDK Play All Day |
London Road School |
Eamon Hurst |
The 789s |
Literacy Lambton |
John Huybers |
Yes We Canada! |
London Road School |
Dorothy Inglis |
One Step At A Time |
SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund |
Steve Inglis |
One Step At A Time |
SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund |
Patty Jamieson |
Team Timeout |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Kristen Johnson |
The Visionaries |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
DWAYNE Joleun |
The Dream Team |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Sufyan Khan |
Bound to Obliterate |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Magda Krcmarova |
The Ya-Ya's |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Nicole KROHN |
Pathways to Victory |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Judy L'Heureux |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Michele LaLonge-Davey |
The Little Give'rs |
London Road School |
Katie Langan |
Keep Swimming |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Janine Langille |
Purple People Eaters |
London Road School |
Colleen Lapier |
The brightest in the box |
London Road School |
Jenny Le Faive |
Fantastic 4- (D,L,M.J) |
London Road School |
Monique Lis |
One or Two |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Brian Little |
The Little Give'rs |
London Road School |
Malinda Little |
The Little Give'rs |
London Road School |
Cheri Lumley |
We want to play |
London Road School |
Laura Macdonald |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Laura MacDonald |
The Visionaries |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Greer Macdonell |
The 789s |
Literacy Lambton |
Mairi MacIntyre |
The Rebounders |
Sarnia Lambton Rebound |
Elizabeth MacLachlan |
FDK Play All Day |
London Road School |
Christa MacLaggan |
One Step At A Time |
SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund |
Michelle Maitland |
Stronger Together |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Kelly McArthur |
The brightest in the box |
London Road School |
Jenn McColman |
All Pride No Prejudice |
Literacy Lambton |
Elise McDonald |
All Pride No Prejudice |
Literacy Lambton |
Mary McKay |
The Dream Team |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Michelle Mckay |
The brightest in the box |
London Road School |
Scott McKay |
The Dream Team |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Todd McKelvie |
Team Timeout |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Craig McKenzie |
Team Timeout |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Susanne McLean |
Keep Swimming |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Derek McMahon |
Fantastic 4- (D,L,M.J) |
London Road School |
Dean Mehta |
Nutty Buddies |
Literacy Lambton |
Heather Melanson |
Holy Cows |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Lori Meyer |
Yes We Canada! |
London Road School |
Ray Meyer |
Yes We Canada! |
London Road School |
Tessa Miles |
One or Two |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Katelyn Miller |
Holy Cows |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Melissa Miller |
Gimme Shelter |
River City Vineyard |
Melissa Mitton |
Cool Name Pending |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Amanda Moore |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Jeremy Morningstar |
The Wolverines |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Shelley Morningstar |
Pathways to Victory |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Zyler Morningstar |
The Wolverines |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Heather Morris |
Bound to Obliterate |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Michelle Nelson |
Keep Swimming |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Dean Otton |
Between a Walk and a Hard Pace |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Katie Paquette |
Keep Swimming |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Jackie Peaslee |
The brightest in the box |
London Road School |
Karin Pennington |
Cool Name Pending |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Courtney Pettit |
Tooth Crew |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Enza Piazza |
Flossy Posse |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Taylor Plain |
The INN vestigators |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Sylvia Prazias |
Nutty Buddies |
Literacy Lambton |
Kels Purves |
Team Recess |
London Road School |
Sabrina Ramlall Toms |
Pathways to Victory |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Kaity Ravelle |
SCCYS Somewhat Heroes |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Jason Rawson |
Summer of 69 |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Lareina Rising |
The Little Give'rs |
London Road School |
Ashley Robbins |
Stronger Together |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Karly Roberts |
The Pink Cadillacs |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Lori Roberts |
The Pink Cadillacs |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Zackery Roos |
The Rebounders |
Sarnia Lambton Rebound |
Wayne Ross |
Playground Posse |
London Road School |
William Ross |
Playground Posse |
London Road School |
Amy Schmidt |
Summer of 69 |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Steve Schmidt |
Summer of 69 |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Laura Scott |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Heather Smith |
Flossy Posse |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Mandy Smith |
Gimme Shelter |
River City Vineyard |
Michelle Smith |
FDK Play All Day |
London Road School |
Allison Soroka |
Summer of 69 |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Desiree Steiger |
Bound to Obliterate |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Julie Stewardson |
The Ya-Ya's |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Kerry Strachan |
The INN vestigators |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Julia Sweet |
Tooth Crew |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Kashif Syed |
Bound to Obliterate |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Laura Tait |
Yes We Canada! |
London Road School |
Lauren Tamming |
Flossy Posse |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Jordan Taylor |
Inn to Win |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Danny Thai |
One or Two |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Jennifer Thomm |
Tooth Crew |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Darcey Toffoli-Turk |
The Rebounders |
Sarnia Lambton Rebound |
Michele Toms |
Pathways to Victory |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Anne Toth |
The 789s |
Literacy Lambton |
Thant Tun San |
The Visionaries |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Amber Turner |
Stronger Together |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Lynn Vandenberg |
Between a Walk and a Hard Pace |
Pathways Health Centre For Children |
Myles Vanni |
Inn to Win |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Seamus Virgin |
The INN vestigators |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Phil Vokey |
We want to play |
London Road School |
Cheryl Walecki |
The INN vestigators |
Inn of the Good Shepherd |
Sarah Wall |
Nutty Buddies |
Literacy Lambton |
Justin Waun |
All Pride No Prejudice |
Literacy Lambton |
Erin White |
Reporting for Recess |
London Road School |
Courtney Williams |
Tooth Crew |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Melissa Wray |
The Ya-Ya's |
Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton |
Pam Wright |
St. Clair Child & Youth Services |
Dani Yarkovsky |
Team Recess |
London Road School |
Amy Young |
Purple People Eaters |
London Road School |