Race To Erase
Race To Erase


Charity Profiles

Below is information about each charity involved with this year's event. 

Inn of the Good Shepherd

The Inn's mission is to provide service with dignity to those in need of food, shelter and other essentials. The Inn has a food bank, soup kitchen, 2 emergency shelters as well as other assistance programs such as rent/utility bank, income tax clinics, back-to-school kits, winter coat night, mobile market, summer snack packs, children's birthday club and much more.

The majority of Canadians now work in part-time jobs, minimum wage and no benefits. So many of the families and households we serve are working 2-3 part-time jobs, with uncertain hours striving to make ends meet. An everyday life crisis - someone gets sick and needs medicine, a week with shorter hours, glasses or dental work, a car breaking down and needing to be repaired to get to those part time jobs, school supplies or even winter wear. Any incident or need like these puts that household in the very difficult position of having to choose between health or work and food or rent or hydro!

Homelessness has become a crisis in our community with more people living on the streets than we've seen before. Addictions and the severe shortage of affordable housing has compounded this crisis. Between our 2 shelters and overflow shelter programs we are temporarily sheltering over 80 individuals and families and are housing 80 people through transitional and rent supplement programs.

With the severe lack of affordable housing (average rents have doubled in the last 6 years) The Board of The Inn is excited to be undertaking 2 affordable housing projects - in a partnership with Habitat for Humanity a build of 5 tiny townhouses and a affordable housing build with 45-50 units.

The Inn's programs help provide that helping hand to get folks out of these difficult times.

Total Donations: 96, Funds Raised: $6642.00

Literacy Lambton

Literacy Lambton (Registered Charity #135262012 RR0001) is based at the Lochiel Kiwanis Community Centre in downtown Sarnia. They help Sarnia-Lambton improve their literacy & essential skills. Their adult program helps adults ages 18+ boost reading, writing, math, basic computer, and digital skills.

For kids, Literacy Lambton runs a free eight-week "Train Your Brain" program for grades 3 and 4, focusing on fun, play-based learning. They also have a Summer Reading Buddies program where volunteers help young readers at the Sarnia library over the summer.

One of their sweetest initiatives is Baby Bookworms, which gifts every newborn at Bluewater Health in Sarnia a tote full of books, a keepsake reading log, connections to area programs & services for young families, and tips to encourage parents to read to their babies from day one. The goal? To read 1,000 books before kindergarten!

Literacy Lambton has been making a difference since 1989, powered by a dedicated team of volunteers. Learn more on their website (www.literacylambton.org) or connect on their socials @literacylambton on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Total Donations: 39, Funds Raised: $1795.00

London Road School

London Road School is the school with a heart in the heart of the city. Not only is our school important for the students in our community, but members of our neighbourhood regularly use our yard for exercise and to spend quality time with family and friends. Our Kindergarten yard is in need of some beautification and increased functionality. There is such a vast amount of important learning and skills development that could happen in a more enriching environment. We are hoping to add an outdoor classroom to our yard, in addition to a sensory walk to support all of our students, but especially our students on the autism spectrum. We are also hoping to incorporate an outdoor play kitchen to foster imagination. The addition of a few boulders, a small wooden bridge, and a climbing structure would allow our students to extend their learning through play while developing their gross motor skills. The addition of a butterfly bush garden will hopefully attract some beautiful visitors to our space. Any community's greatest asset is its children, and we cannot wait to provide them with a space that will help them launch their future.

Total Donations: 259, Funds Raised: $11670.00

Pathways Health Centre For Children

Pathways Health Centre for Children is a family-centered community agency that serves Lambton County children and youth with physical, developmental, and communication needs and their families, as well as adults for some specialized services. As one of a large group of Children's Treatment Centres in the province of Ontario, the Centre provides a continuum of rehabilitation and support services in the community as well as an on-site integrated child care service. 

With an onsite licensed childcare, a therapeutic pool opened to the community, a social enterprise for adults with disabilities, and a range of rehabilitation services like occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, physiotherapy and audiology, Pathways provides essential services for this community. Last year, services were provided in over 160 locations throughout Sarnia-Lambton, with a presence not only at Pathways, but also in community hub and recreation sites and in every licensed childcare and publicly funded school and each of the 3 First Nations in the area.

Total Donations: 57, Funds Raised: $3900.00

River City Vineyard

"River City Vineyard is a church and community outreach center in Sarnia, Ontario. The sign on top of the front door of our building reads "Come as you are, you will be loved", and we strive to live this out for every individual that we serve, even throughout every unique and challenging circumstance.

Throughout the week we operate an emergency food bank and snack program, a shower/hygiene program (where individuals can come and take a hot shower and receive any required toiletries and/or feminine hygiene products), a "free" store (where donated clothing and small household items are free for the taking), and a community garden. We also operate our homeless shelter that has 2 wings - our longstanding shelter that houses 28 beds, and our shelter expansion that houses 40 additional beds, including 15 beds specifically for women.

Homelessness is a major issue in Sarnia, and it unfortunately seems to be getting worse instead of better. We want to be part of the solution. This is why we need to keep our doors open and our programs running - so that we can continue to help the most marginalized and vulnerable in our community. We are now a drug free facility; for a guest to be able to stay in our shelter they cannot be actively using drugs. This was a very difficult decision as we have a huge heart for those who are lost in addiction, however we have individuals staying with us who are working on their sobriety and do not want to be tempted to relapse. It also was due to ongoing aggression, violence and property damage which brought huge safety concerns for our guests and our staff. Since we have gone drug free, we are seeing so many positive changes within those staying with us, it truly is amazing! We still provide food and supplies to those who are still using as we still want to help them in any way that we can. But we want to be a facility that encourages positive change, and we are seeing lives changed - it's awesome!

River City Vineyard operates almost solely on a donation/fundraising basis to continue to provide these essential outreach programs in Sarnia, and we are so thankful for the wonderful ongoing community support!"

Total Donations: 94, Funds Raised: $5960.00

Sarnia Lambton Rebound

"Founded in 1984, when three Sarnia citizens, Barry Symington, Dee Cox, and Terry Fitzgerald, came together to respond to needs identified by youth in our community. Sarnia-Lambton Rebound has grown immensely and is now a local, and provincial, leader in life skills facilitation, education, and cognitive skill development. Having successfully served over 40,000 young people across Lambton County, each Rebound program strives to meet our mission: to be a caring partner in the successful development of youth.

Rebound currently delivers 12 programs offering education and support to youth ages 8 to 24. Covering topics such as substance use prevention; developing resilience and coping skills; and fostering social and cognitive skills (such as goal-setting, decision-making, and teamwork). Rebound is the lead agency for The Hub, a wraparound support service for youth ages 12 to 24 with resources supporting homeless and at-risk youth. The services offered (ex. housing, emergency food) come to the youth, not vice versa. The Spectrum program offers a safe and supportive environment for 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Sarnia-Lambton. Rebound Rocks is a music therapy program for youth ages 12 to 18. Participants learn music, life skills, increase their self-confidence and respect while being engaged in their community. Rebound designed this program to foster resilience, encourage self-confidence and provide the creative outlet through which youth can experience the therapeutic benefit of music. Rebound has a history of coming together to meet the unique needs of our community and adapting its programming to meet the needs of the youth."

Total Donations: 14, Funds Raised: $770.05

St. Clair Child & Youth Services

St. Clair Child & Youth Services is the Lead Agency in Lambton County for infant, children, and youth mental health; empowering mental wellness in this community for over 50 years. We are an accredited agency that provides high-quality family-centered mental health services for infants, children, youth, and their families from birth through age 18. We strive to raise awareness of the importance of mental and emotional health and are advocates of reducing stigma. Our agency recognizes and supports the valuable contributions of youth and families in our community, and we recognize them as valuable decision-making partners. We provide young people with responsive, quality resources and treatment that meet their unique needs. In addition to our two locations, services are provided in homes, community centres, medical facilities, and meeting places throughout Lambton County. During our last fiscal year, over 3000 individuals were served. Youngsters come to us for a variety of mental health concerns such as (but not limited to) behaviour problems at home or school, depression, anxiety, thoughts of self-harm, emotional challenges, and other mental health concerns. Services can be provided virtually or in-person. For more information on our services please check out our website: https://www.stclairchild.ca/

Total Donations: 69, Funds Raised: $5037.20

SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund

S.W.O.N.T. Conductive Education has been offering a four-week summer program to children aged 2-16, with cerebral palsy and other motor challenges since 1999. Certified Conductor Teachers come to us each summer to provide this program. Two conductor teachers provide the program for a maximum of 8 children per camp. Summer camps are offered in Sarnia, Windsor, London, and Chatham. The cost of the program is approximately $2000 per child however parents are only asked to pay a $200 commitment fee and help support our fundraising projects. We are grateful for the opportunity to take part in the Race To Erase as a fundraising endeavor. For more information visit us at www.swontconductiveeducation.com or follow us on Facebook at S.W.O.N.T Conductive Education Trust Fund https://www.facebook.com/Helpingchildrenonestepatatime

Total Donations: 60, Funds Raised: $3005.00

Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton

The Women's Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton stands as a critical lifeline for women and children seeking safety from domestic violence. Our 24-hour shelter provides immediate refuge through ten private rooms, nutritious meals, and essential supplies, accommodating up to 17 mothers and children at a time. But we are more than a shelter: our comprehensive services—including a 24-hour crisis support line, information sessions, Restorative Community Practice programs, transitional and housing support, and specialized counseling—address the unique needs of each survivor, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status.

Over the years, thousands of women and children from across Lambton County have sought our services, underscoring both the breadth of our impact and the urgency of our work. We envision a community where every voice is heard and where everyone lives free from violence and abuse.

Total Donations: 18, Funds Raised: $1705.00